Our team is comprised of world-leading researchers in digital health, find out more below.
Associate Professor
My Interests include wearable systems, signal processing and algorithm development to examine individuals in clinic and free-living environments. Also interested in wearables for sports applications. On going research focuses on innovation and informatics in healthcare.
PhD Student/physiotherapist
Excited by the future and the potential value of technology, data, and innovation in healthcare to optimise care and wellbeing for patients, business, and society. My professional background spans across the private sector, NHS, professional sport, and the armed forces
operations engineer
I am exploring the use of low-cost passive sensors and wearable devices to examine buildings from the point of view of individual occupants. I love tinkering with electronics, which drives my passion for IoT technologies, music technologies and synthesis.
phd student
My interests involve the use of artificial intelligence and signal processing to provide clinically relevant outcomes from wearable technology. Initially, my work focused upon sports-related outcomes in running gait analysis, however, I am now interested in neurological impairments.
phd student
My interests are on the application of AI and Computer Vision technologies to areas of gait assessment. I also have an interest in the development of web and mobile application technologies and their implementation within healthcare.
We collaborate broadly but one example includes working with allied health professionals interested in application of digital technologies in clinical assessment and rehabilitation. This includes the Physiotherapy Innovation Lab, below.
Our research encapsulates a wide range of digital health solutions, to find more, refer to the Google Scholar pages of our team members